Stop by for a glass of unfiltered truth in The Tavern tomorrow/Sat., Jan. 15 at 3 pm PST
Join me on the Truth-Seekers Tavern Clubhouse where I'll discuss legal pathways and alternatives
I’ll be on the Truth-Seekers Tavern Clubhouse tomorrow, Saturday, January 15, at 3 pm PST. Stop by for a glass of unfiltered truth in The Tavern, as this Clubhouse is described, where I discuss legal pathways and alternatives.
If you don’t know Clubhouse, it’s “the social audio app” where you can “bounce around the hallways of the Internet and meet incredible people.”
Give yourself at least 5 minutes to get on Clubhouse. 1) Download the app - it’s only available on your iPhone from the App Store. 2) Take 2 minutes to signup for Clubhouse. I recommend doing that right now, so you’re good to go at 3 pm tomorrow. You also can tap the alarm button to get an alert before it starts.
Link to tomorrow’s Clubhouse:
I’ll be joining…
Researcher Stophe: Researcher, Critical thinker "Seeking Truths, Revealing Lies" [Twitter bio]
Rob Yox: Also known as The Ultimate Outsider and the Saturday Night Savage, Rob is a Researcher, Historian, International Speaker, Conspiracy Investigator, Paranormal Investigator and Broadcast/Podcast host. He is also the Founder and Creator of Full Spectrum Universe and Full Spectrum Network. [Source: link here]
Martha Patoka: “Hello. My name is Martha. I will soon be banned from eating at restaurants, traveling by plane or train, attending cultural events, working, and otherwise participating in society, because I had an allergic reaction to the first dose of Moderna.” [Martha’s tweet]
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