Like you, I am enraged with the current state of our Nation. Unlike most others, however, I have plans to solve some of these problems, and I’m just bold enough to try
To prevent this (see below), I quit my job in early October and launched a nonprofit law firm called The Gavel Project
Abraham Lincoln once explained:
At what point then is the approach of danger to be expected? I answer, if it ever reach us, it must spring up amongst us. It cannot come from abroad. If destruction be our lot, we must ourselves be its author and finisher. As a nation of freemen, we must live through all time, or die by suicide. -1838
To prevent this, I quit my job in early October and launched a nonprofit law firm called The Gavel Project. Accordingly, I’m starting a room on Clubhouse (The Gavel Project). It’s a live podcast (of sorts), with an audience. My hope is to facilitate a conversation where I, a lawyer, and other experts can educate citizens on their constitutional and other legal rights to empower them to protect their freedoms. If we are to survive as a Nation, we must make it tremendously difficult to further profit from Our ideological subversion.
During this weekly event, I’ll host lawyers, physicians, entrepreneurs, academics, and other well-educated citizens to identify America’s biggest obstacles and formulate potential solutions. Occasionally, Members of The Gavel Project’s Case Selection Committee will appear to discuss what cases we’re pursuing and explain why.
The Gavel Project is a check on bull**** in American society. Our Case Selection Committee will meet once monthly to consider applications for legal intervention (which can be submitted by anyone following the instructions on our website: The Case Selection Committee will be comprised of seven Members including: physicians, academics, financial and other technical experts, entrepreneurs, and generally well-informed citizens.
This is my chance to be bold, and I’m going to take full advantage of it.
Dear Joe Rogan, this concept was inspired by your constant pursuit of truth. Accordingly, you are invited to join The Gavel Project’s Case Selection Committee.
While I’m at it, allow me to extend a few additional invitations to:
· Dr. Bret Weinstein;
· Rob (“The Fire”) Bernstein (comedian, financial & COVID-19 expert and detector of B.S., POTP); and
· Dave Smith (POTP (this should be an acronym) comedian and Declared Libertarian Candidate for President, 2024).
If you’re sensing a theme around comedians, that’s because they are the ones that truly appreciate the importance of the concept of free expression and are often paid to be brutally honest about the worst aspects of our society (TGP’s aim).
Already, Dr. Peter McCullough (no introduction needed); Clint Russell (the Liberty Lockdown Podcast, generally well-educated citizen with a background in the mortgage loan industry); Dr. Colleen Huber (a Naturopathic Medical Doctor and leading expert on alternative chemo-therapy treatments and impacts of COVID-19 policies on society); and Tiffany Craft (a California mother and wife of a Primary Care Physician with a passion for liberty, she is an active community member with a background in management of Telecommunications Operations in Corporate America) have all agreed to join the Committee. Pursuant to the direction of the Committee, The Gavel Project will go after Governments (state, federal, and foreign), corporations, crony politicians, Wall Street, etc. for their abuses of power.
Like you, I am enraged with the current state of our Nation. Unlike most others, however, I have plans to solve some of these problems, and I’m just bold enough to try. With your help, we can start holding America’s biggest ***holes accountable. I’m not just a lawyer; I’m a leader and an entrepreneur. I’ll do all I can to peacefully steady this ship before it sinks. With your support, I’ll be relentless. I will give everything to protect the ideal of liberty, especially for the next generation.
My family lives in Arizona, but I spent the greater part of last week in California meeting with potential plaintiffs, lawyers, and community organizers in the Orange County area. We’re planning to end of all COVID-19 government mandates, nationally, with civil disobedience and strategic litigation. This week, I’m heading back to California to force the issue.
It's time for responsible citizens to stop running away from places like California and New York. It is time, instead, to take back the liberties secured to us with countless vats of American blood, which were sacrificed towards that end.
To all those who were lucky enough to have the means of escaping places like California and New York: the children left behind are still being abused. They are still Americans and deserving of the same liberties you’re enjoying in places like Texas and Florida. The children left behind are still forced to wear masks, despite there being no reason to do so.
What’s worse, states like California are considering making the COVID-19 vaccination a precondition to attaining an education. In other words, the only hope that many children will ever have at escaping the abjectly horrific circumstances they are born into must now be secured by the forfeiture of their bodily autonomy to the State. This is slavery, period, and Americans must remember that what starts in California and New York often spreads to other schools. America is under attack, from within. The cancer must be peacefully eradicated, at the root.
The wrath that I hope to unleash upon those who abuse children in the name of “the greater good” is only limited by my access to resources. With sufficient funding, I’ll engage in national lawfare (from California to New York). I have plans to hold these tyrants accountable. Indeed, I’ve found a way to sue such people, personally, for their civil rights violations. This all ends when we hit them where it most hurts, their pocketbooks.
Next week, I’m heading back to California to assemble an incredibly talented team of lawyers (more information to come) in leading children into lawfare for the preservation of their liberty. I’m doing so out of necessity because most of the adults ran away.
When I pack, I’ll be sure to grab my pocket Constitution. It’s the same one given to me by my law school Professor, Justice Samuel Alito of the United States Supreme Court.
The Constitution is a weapon, and it is for: “We the People.”
The first livestream will be tonight, Tuesday at 8:00 PM (EST).
A special thank you to all that have given thus far to TGP. Thanks to Steve Kirsch and his team at VSRF and to my team of volunteers. A special thanks to my wife and daughters, my inspiration.
In peace,
P.S. Please note that The Gavel Project’s tax-exempt status has not yet been approved by the IRS, however, the time to fight is now. These children don’t have time to wait on bureaucratic approval. Please consider donating today at:
Twitter/Gettr/Gab: @Ryan_L_Heath
Instagram: @ryan_l_heath & @thegavelproject
LinkedIn: Ryan Heath
Well said Ryan. Thank you for your courage and for what you’re doing to empower us all to stand up for our Civil Liberties. This particular excerpt from your post brings tears to my eyes every time I read it: “To all those who were lucky enough to have the means of escaping places like California and New York: the children left behind are still being abused. They are still Americans and deserving of the same liberties you’re enjoying in places like Texas and Florida. The children left behind are still forced to wear masks, despite there being no reason to do so. “