Please watch this video of me defending my client Nicole and her daughter Gabby at the Coronado Unified School District meeting from February 17, 2022. She just wants to have an in person education and is entitled to under the California Constitution and under Education Code 201, she should be able to have it free of harassment and free of discrimination. Instead her high school purportedly suspends here.
Here are my statements from the Coronado Unified School District meeting from February 17, 2022.
You’ll see the speaker get interrupted. That’s the result of some person standing over me and accosting me. This man got about a foot from my face (with his mask on, of course) and told me that he was calling the police for my committing an assault and battery on him (I suppose that’s for my being an organic person in the room). I invited him to do so because the police don’t care.
Attention California High School Students! The very “law” that I am purportedly “breaking,” has the same justification as the “law” that your teachers and administrators use to abuse you.
The police never came, despite me returning to the room after being publicly recognized as a "liability" by the CUSD board. Police don’t care about enforcing mere “guidelines.”
If your teachers/principals tell you to put a mask on or leave the class, politely refuse. If they tell you to go the office, say “no thank you.” If the class leaves per the teacher’s instructions, follow them. If you get locked out, sneak in. If necessary, wear a mask into class just to take it off.
If the teachers touch you, that’s assault and battery and you can sue them. Politely tell your teachers, principals, etc. to stay away from you (videotape yourself if you feel threatened).
If your teachers threaten to call the police, politely invite them to do so. As the police are on their way, politely stay with your class and let the school disrupt learning. When the police arrive, tell them you will peacefully submit to arrest (as my clients have done on numerous occasions). Calmly explain that you’re not breaking any laws as you have a right to an in-person education free of discrimination or harassment per The California Constitution, and education code section 201. Remind the police that you are peacefully exercising your First Amendment rights, and that arresting you will lead to their being named as defendants in litigation pursuant to the Civil Rights Act.
Tell the police that you wish to avoid such actions and kindly thank them or their service. Shout out to the wonderful cops that I've dealt with thus far!
Would this also work for the common person forced to mask in a "doctors"/"healthcare" office?